Iv just lifted this from Douglas Willcoxes Blog, Im shore he wont mined , its from a report on a long term test on the P&H Delphin, sumthing Im looking forword to trying out !

Pleas note , the sail on it is one of the old range, the new CZ 80 is an equivlant sail to the the one on the test Delphin  , I personaly wold consider the CZ 70 as a good sail for it as well

Fun though paddling the Delphin was, with those water shedding rails up front, I could’t wait until I fitted a sail…

…and then it shot off downwind, averaging 11km/hr and shooting up to 15.8km/hr, surfing through the waves in front.


Within minutes, Phil was left as a dot on the horizon. So I let him catch up and pass me…

…before catching a small wave…

…and blasting past him again!

I have only been out three times in the Delphin but I have already been persuaded that this is probably the most versatile kayak I have ever paddled. Yes, it clearly excels at “Play the Sea” but it is capable of much more than that. It keeps up with conventional kayaks at normal cruising speed, it will take you a weekend camping trip and I also think it would be ideal for beginners.

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