My “ideal” January training schedule for the UFC is detailed below.  I consider this my fairly serious training mode (last couple months before Challenge).   Ideal is not always reality of course :), there is no rest day since inevitably there will be at least one day a week I can’t pull it off, but at least I have a plan.

  • Mon: Trail Jog (am)
  • Tue: Swim (am), Spin Class (noon), Yoga (pm)
  • Wed: Trail Jog  (am), Weights/Core (noon), Pool Rolling (pm)
  • Thu: Swim (am), Spin Class (noon), Yoga (pm)
  • Fri: Weights/Core (am), Night paddle (pm)
  • Sat: Long Paddle
  • Sun: Bike long + Paddle

 Alan (SOS) my UFC partner just sent me this picture of his training regimen, He’s on a train from Vienna to Venice.  The picture was titled ‘Alan training hard’.